Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I feel like I need more time. An extra 4 hours in every day. I don't have enough of it to get everything done. Some of the things I need to do have other people depending on me for it, some stuff is just me, some for work... all of it doesn't fit into my day. I often underestimate the amount of time menial things things take, like going to buy more garbage bags, or changing the kitty litter, doing laundry. All of a sudden there is no time for anything else until I have to go to work. And then I get home from work hoping to finish up other work, but I find that I'm exhausted and can barely keep my eyes open and it's only midnight. Eating also takes up a lot of time. But it's necessary. Setbacks like being unable to find work clothes took up 2 entire days of my free time. 3 if you count that I had to go to my parents to pick them up, because they needed to be hemmed. I need a day off.

Also, it's second chance summer! This whole week will be nice so everyone wear shorts and sandals, because this is probably your last chance! I personally, am stoked. That is if I ever get to leave my apartment besides going to work.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

end of an era

Wow. In case you haven't noticed, summer is over. Really over. Here are the top 10 exciting things about the end of summer according to me (I'm trying to be optimistic here, so just go with it):

1. Quit Stella's
2. Got hired at Azia
3. Football season is here! Go Vikes!!
4. The return of plaids and argyle
5. I can wear boots again!
6. Fall coats are super cutey!!
7. Changing color leaves
8. Lower electricity bill (no AC!)
9. Hoodies
10... I can't think of any more actually. [insert your own exciting thing here]

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today I feel lethargic and kind of depressed. I have a feeling it's mostly to do with the weather. Summer is really basically over. This year I feel like once summer is over, so is my life. Not really, but the end of all the fun and games. It doesn't even have to be that way if I could just find a goddamn job. I feel like that would be the end of all my problems (sort of) and rejuvinate me about life. I'm sick of serving. I just applied for another server/bartender job, but I am not excited about it. At all. In fact, I kind of hope I just don't get it. Which is dumb, because if I can't find a day job I'm going to need an additional job besides Stella's. Aaagghhh. BOO URNS.

In not so pessimistic news, New Kids on the Block released their CD which made me happy <3 <3 <3 :). Ha. One good thing about summer being over means everyone is releasing their fall lines which means the return of plaids and I love plaids. Not that I have money to buy any of it, but it's nice to have it around again. That's all for now. Ciao ciao.