Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Lately every time I get into my car to go wherever, I feel compelled to just pass my destination and keep driving. To where? I'm not sure. I just get this sense of melancholy and don't want to stop. Lately I just feel a sense of incompleteness or like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop though I don't know what will happen when it does. I'm bored. I suppose now would be a good time to set up a screen printing area in my apartment and get a dba set up etc. but I am somehow immobilized as well. Frozen in the boredom that is my life. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, I love my friends, I have a good time when I go out with them and all, but it just isn't enough lately. I need more.


Anonymous said...

two word solution

"facial" "tattoo"

you will always have an exciting life after that.
Funny you could also reverse those words... tattoo a facial on your face... and people be like... "shit girl, you got cum on your face" and you could only say "no thats my tattoo... of cum"

But yeah i feel that way too sometimes. I cure it with butt sex.... but uh... thats not true either (mostly cuz who am I doing or being done by? no one).

um well this has been not helpful. Im sorry. Next time, ice cream or something... peace and love
-mikey mike

Yumi Lover said...

Hahaha! Mikey my parents read this. Hahahahahaaa

Anonymous said...

um yeah... well they have sex, you have siblings.

Nick Cybela said...

Travel solves my melancholy.

Anonymous said...

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but that is called life. If it was exciting all the time you wouldn't appreciate the great times. Look at the big picture. There is so much more to life than just you. Get off your butt and make something of yourself. You sound depressed. It happens. Deal with it, move on and get to the other side. Amazing when you start acting on something how much better you will feel.

Words from someone that was once 20 something and now 40. Wait until you have kids you will be looking back on the time you only had yourself to think about and wonder why you didn't do more.

Love, your old sister..... J