Tuesday, July 31, 2007

tweedle dee dum

OMG.... my internship is maddening. My boss is maddening. I really like the girls I'm working with though. Once everything comes to fruition I am outta there. I can't handle it. BLAH.


Mike said...

explain more.... vent more... makes for interesting blog posts...
uh what up?

Anonymous said...

Gotta tell ya - work is not fun. Most bosses are aggravating. You will be very blessed when you find a place that you enjoy everyday. Keep your chin up. Remember you are not getting paid!


Anonymous said...

At least you have learned some of things you don't want to do, project management and such. The world needs more people who want to be given a job and they do it instead of being the "boss". You can get more satisfaction from doing a good job than anything else. Great experience and will look good on a resume. Daddio