Thursday, March 27, 2008

march update! (faretheewell sweet turtles)

It's time for your March update kids! What have I been doing that I've been too busy to blog? Well, let me tell you!!

First of all, my turtles Coco & Killer have gone byebye. As cute as they are and as much as my kittens love to play in the turtle tank (it's true, they would walk around in it, sit on the filter, and chill out with the turtles) it was just too much work on top of everything else I have to do. I was completely distressed about it, but then good ole mom and pop said they would take the little darlings! So now I have visiting rights and their tank will no longer have unattractive water marks on it from playing kittens, ha.

With the 55 gallon tank gone, I got a new bookshelf and organized my apartment! At long last all of my books fit on the shelf instead of having a bunch of them stuffed in my closet or sitting in bags on the floor. Woot woot!

Also, I put in my two week notice at Red Lobster last Friday. And Jesus H. have I gotten a lot of grief about it! I know it's with the best intentions, because people will miss me, but a simple "Oh no! I'm going to miss you!!" will suffice, I don't need convincing to stay, because it's not going to happen. I have way too much going on in my life without holding on to Red Lobster too, when I am S-I-C-K of it. The lob gave me some of my very best friends, but I still have them even if I don't have the Lob, and so ends the Lobster dynasty ;) On the plus side, training is officially over!! I had food class on Mon. and liquor class on Tues. so now all I need is for the weather to change and the patio to open!! I am continually scheduled oncall shifts, but for this week, I hope I don't get called in so I can play catchup with my other jobs and my life!

On the kitten front, both Sia and Yumi are well, though I think they definitely miss the turtles. Less entertainment for them while I'm gone now... for shame. But really... I can give them a box and they are entertained for a week.

So basically I'm really happy right now. Apartment is clean, kittens are healthy, turtles have a new home, and both of my jobs (Stella's and A Mood for You) are about to take off. So yay for March, you've been good to me :)


Sarah said...

Ok so first, I love that you got rid of those turtles and traded the tank for a chic new bookshelf. Love it. Your turtles were cute but they were taking away from the cuteness of your apt. Way to go for all your sweet new job stuff. Loving that. I'll have to come visit you at Stellas. And umm I don't get how to put pictures anywhere but at the top of my blog posts...can you help me?? I can't really do Idol next Tuesday because I work for the Twins and I don't now when I'll be off work. If i get off early I could drop by after? And we could watch on tivo? Oh and I've been obsessed with Johnny Cash and June Carter lately and I've been reading books about them. It's really interesting to learn about their me anyways. Let me know if you might be digging that. I can let you borrow my books.

Anonymous said...

goddamn that is a clean apartment