Saturday, April 19, 2008

dreams & love, love & dreams

I just woke up from a dream where in the dream I was really intensely in love with this guy. I was sitting on a couch in some random basement apartment and we were with all his friends just hanging out and he was sitting in a chair across from me. And I must have been in the process of kind of waking up because in the dream, but it also seemed like in reality, I was thinking how weird it was to be in love again, but then I realized that the love was kind of one sided because I noticed this guy was not noticing me at all and then I started to get kind of sad. And then I really looked at him and in my half awake half sleeping state I realized the guy I loved was not even the guy that I thought he was and this feeling was even odder because in my lucid mind I realized who the guy was in reality which did not match up to who the guy was in my dream... and thus I realized that I was starting to wake up and I wanted to fall back asleep and rehave that feeling of being in love even if he didn't love me as much as I loved him, because it still felt good, but you can't make yourself fall in love, you just fall. And this is the weird dreamy thing that just happened to me, because I took a really late evening nap...


Anonymous said...

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Mike said...

hahahaha dude thats why i added the password thing. I actually did find this post very enjoyable though... so keep posting.

Yumi Lover said...

Ha, yeah I'm adding the password thing as of right now!