Monday, April 28, 2008

thoughts for monday

I love waking up surrounded by my kittens...

I may be giving up on the herbal remedies-- not because they don't work, but because the pills are so damn big and I have to take so many of them. Come June, I'm still going to try the bee pollen thing, because that's a once a day kind of thing. These other guys are like 2 or 3 pills 2 or 3 times a day. Too much!!

Also, there are WAY too many people doing laundry today. Who does laundry on a Monday?! Aren't people with real jobs supposed to do that crap on Sundays or something?

Speaking of jobs, I wish I worked at mine more. :P

Happy Monday folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha.. so what is your answer?
i hope it isnt where you got the name yumi lover... hehe. actually although I don't exactly think zoophilia is a good thing... I don't really judge people on their ideas of what is pleasurable... I only worry when it involves the infliction of pain/suffering etc on people who are not into that.
-mike the hag (as the morrisites call me)