Tuesday, July 1, 2008

late night thoughts

Sometimes the itunes section "Just for You" spits out some really good music. And it's just for me.

I have to find a new apartment to move into by Sept. 1st. My apartment got new owners and after my lease is up the price of living here goes up to a ridiculous amount for what I'm getting. They also want me to pay $25 per month per cat. Cha! Yeah right :P I'm hoping to find a 2 bedroom around $700. Even though I'll still be living alone, it'd be nice to have an extra room and the extra space. So help a sista out and find me a new home!! (Between lake street and 25th, no farther east than Emerson, hardwood flooring preferred)

Speaking of kittens, mine in particular, I'm thinking of buying those little glue on nail caps for my little darlings. Well at least for Yumi, as much as I'm pretty unconcerned about the scratches, it's a bit ridiculous to be a walking poster child for cutters around the world :P

Strawberry shakes from McDonald's cannot be beat.

Everybody go buy the book "He and She - A Wedding Story" for anyone you know that's getting married. And then buy all the cute stuff that goes with it. BUY BUY BUY! Spend that rebate check!!

I want you to want me.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I highly agree with your opinion of McDonalds strawberry shakes. They are yum-O. I also feel that itunes usually does pick out some pretty good music "just for me" and more often than not...I already have it...but that's beside the point.