Thursday, May 1, 2008

myspace madness

Ok, have you ever browsed random people's profiles on myspace? Well, I have been up all night wasting time and browsed many a profile and let me tell you, there are some strange strange people out there. Sometimes you discover some cool music people have on their profiles, but not too often.

The best part, however, is the profile pics.

A few of my favorites for guys include: the "thinker" pose (fist under chin), the skinny white boy trying to look like a thug, the thugs trying to look badasses (lots of sunglasses and raised chins), anyone posing with a gun (seriously?!), incredibly obese people with celebrities/cartoons up as their pic, self taken pics of guys holding up their shirts to show their washboard abs or even better, self taken pics of guys holding up their shirts to show their skinny high metabolism stomachs.

My faves for girls: anyone doing a pinup girl pose, but they are dressed in jogging suits or the like, the taken from behind pose with girl (attempting) to seductively look over her shoulder and showing lots of ass (granted, with the right lighting and a pretty girl it might be ok), and really just any amateurish looking image where the girl is trying to look like a sex kitten--- unfortunately, it's hard to look like a sex kitten when you are in your shitty apartment kitchen with the dirty dishes and a potted plant in the background.

AND, there was one takeall winner of best pic-- this was actually not a profile pic, but it was one of two images that he had. And I can't post it, because this is a pg-13 blog ;) But if you are interested, I will give you a link, cuz oh lordy, it is a DOOZY.

And now it's quarter to 4 in the morning, so I'm signing off. Good luck & good night!

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