Tuesday, May 20, 2008

superficial things that weird me out

1. When people have smiles that look more like a grimace than a smile.

2. When people have smiles that unfortunately are more gum than tooth. I know its mean, but it makes me mildly uncomfortable.

3. When people gain weight in their body, but their head stays the same size.

4. When people eat in certain ways that are gross. You know what I mean.

5. Body odor that isn't normal. Like BO that is from working out and exercising is one thing, but just a strange off smell is another.


Travis said...

I completely understand. Although, I am not going to lie, I did check to see how much gum I have to my teeth. I think I am okay. I think.

Mike said...

i've always been afraid to admit that i feel that way as well. Sadly I have never really thought about it in my own mouth. I think your number 3 is a little silly though, some people could use the weight.

Yumi Lover said...

Number 3 is not silly. I'm not talking about normal sized people, I'm talking about really obese people with tiny heads. Because their body is 3 x the size it should be.

Yumi Lover said...

oh and ps, travis you are ok, lol