Sunday, May 4, 2008

thoughts on blogs

So, I was just thinking about how I've become a much better blogger than I used to be as far as consistently posting. Then I was thinking about how I mostly just use my blog as an outlet to bitch about stuff and post pictures of my cats. Sometimes I even update you about my life or give you my opinion on random stupid stuff. Which is fine, but... not really interesting. Being that I'm not spontaneously witty and funny, it's a small wonder that I even have readers. But then I also thought, maybe it *is* semi interesting if you know me, because you know... you might get a small inkling about what goes on in my head. But that's only if you're really perceptive, because really, my blog is fairly superficial.

It's interesting the different kinds of blogs people have. Some are kind of serious in nature, talking about deep feelings, or personal problems, self reflection... things of that nature. I usually don't enjoy reading these blogs, because these people usually like to use a lot of metaphors, but we all know what they are talking about anyway and have to go through the effort of decrypting. Either that or they try to be very poetic about it, which kind of works sometimes, but I'm not a big fan of poetry either (which is too bad).

Other blogs are just about whatever, but the author is really funny and witty so no matter what the blog is about, it has entertainment value. These are my faves; whether food, sex, alcohol, belly button lint, or the weird looking dude at the bus stop, these blogs are a delight to read. Even their more serious posts are good, because these people tend to be very good writers.

And some are a strange mix of the two I've mentioned above, which confuses me. I'll stop reading some for a while when they get too poetic, but then go back and be bummed that I missed a good funny one.

Mikey made the point though, that even if no one reads your blog, you still have a record of what was going on in your life at certain points in time. And the whole reason I even started this blog was to remember my time in Korea. So, I will continue to blog about whatever the hell I want, because it will be fun to look back on it and see what I was thinking at 11:17pm on a Sunday night on May 4th of 2008.

Side note: my right eye is itching like crazy from pollen. Also, shoutout to Jimmy J., welcome back to Mpls!


Mike said...

so as for those pictures, the simmer down one was probably more accurate... but might also just have been him caught mid story. Hes an actor, hes naturally a little animated. the underwear one... was the president of the student union, former editor of the university paper and a Truman Scholar. He was also discussing tonight not only wearing but using a diaper at the graduation ceremony in a few weeks.

Mike said...

also nice job with this post, i mean not that it was better or worse, but i like to hear what u are thinking about.. so to me its just a glimpse into your life.. and as you may have noticed we hang out a lot more on facebook than in real life. just as we use to hang out a lot more at random times than when we were at school or in our neighborhood...

Anonymous said...

"Opinion has caused more trouble on this little earth than plagues or earthquakes."


its funny. because coming from such a sarcastic kid, i am sure that this comment loses 98% of its value. your standards are so specific at times. not that this is a bad thing, but it seems as though you have the blueprints to how life SHOULD be in your head and when somebody else submits a drawing slightly different than yours, it is overlooked. sometimes the strangest things can be so profound.